X-Files Components by Krzysztof Szyszka 
The best Delphi DBGrid component 
and QuickReport VCL Grid control Components
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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

In this place you can find an answers to frequently asked questions concerned with components located in X-Files Components package. If any function, procedure or property is a reason of your troubles, send out short description to my e-mail. Before you'll done it, check this page for looking up a ready solution for your problem.

If you found a bug and you are expecting a quick fix, please prepare a simple example to show the bug's occurrence and send me a source code of this example. Do not use components that are'nt standard installed in Delphi/C++Builder. Do not forget to attach the version number of Delphi/C++Builder, you are currently using.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How to replace TDBGrid component to TXDBGrid component in old projects ?

TXDBGrid is fully compatible with TDBGrid component on properties level and can be used as a replacement without losing existing values.

  1. Replace "DBGrids" unit name to "XDBGrids" unit in uses clause.
  2. Replace all occurence of "TDBGrid" class to "TXDBGrid" class.
  3. Click right mouse button on a form and select "View as Text".
  4. Replace all occurence of "TDBGrid" class to "TXDBGrid" class.
  5. Click right mouse button on editor and select "View as Form".
  6. Save changes, (important) close a form and reopen it.
  7. Replace other class name to "TX" class name (e.g. TColumn to TXColumn).

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2. How to replace standard controls with appropriate gradient controls in old projects ?

  1. Check "Install Demo files" and "Compile Demo files" tasks during package installation.
  2. Run XFChanger application from Start Menu Folder, you have selected during installation.
  3. Select the unit(s) to exchange standard controls with gradient controls.

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3. How to recompile X-DBGrid Component package ?

  1. Open Conditionals.pas source file from $(Delphi)\XDBGrid\Source directory.
  2. Change swich(es), save the file on disk and close Delphi/C++Builder environment.
  3. Find DCCXDBGridNN.bat file in $(Delphi)\XDBGrid\Source directory and run it.
  4. Check, the compilation for both packages finished successfully.
  5. Press Enter to install recompiled files, press Ctrl+C to cancel installation.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

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4. How to recompile X-Files Components package ?

  1. Open Conditionals.pas source file from $(Delphi)\XFiles\Source directory.
  2. Change swich(es), save the file on disk and close Delphi/C++Builder environment.
  3. Find DCCXFilesNN.bat file in $(Delphi)\XFiles\Source directory and run it.
  4. Check, the compilation for both packages finished successfully.
  5. Press Enter to install recompiled files, press Ctrl+C to cancel installation.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

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5. How to achieve using Windows Themes under Delphi/C++Builder 5 & 6 ?

To achieve using Windows Themes on Windows XP platform and newest the TThemeServices class is required. This class is available in Themes unit as early as Delphi 7. To achieve themed version of all X-Files controls under Delphi/C++Builder 5 & 6, you should:

  1. Download Windows XP Theme Manager (freeware by Mike Lischke).
  2. Open ThemeManagerN.dpk package and select "Explicit rebuild" Build control in Package Options.
  3. Compile and install Windows XP ThemeManager package.
  4. Copy ThemeManagerN.dcp file from $(Delphi)\Projects\Bpl directory to $(Delphi)\XFiles\Source directory.
  5. Replace switch {$UNDEF THEMES} with {$DEFINE THEMES} in ..\Source\Conditionals.pas file.
  6. Recompile X-DBGrid Component or X-Files Components package.
  7. Remember to add XP Manifest either file or resource to your project.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

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6. How to use X-Files Components Professional with QuickReport Professional ?

X-Files Components package is compiled with using latest version of QuickReport Standard. When the fatal error occurs ([Fatal Error] Project1.dpr(5): Unit XQRGrids was compiled with a different version of QuickRpt.TCustomQuickRep) you must recompile this package. To recompile package with other version of QuickReport (e.g. Professional), you should:

  1. Copy QuickReport's run-time *.dcp file (e.g QR4RunD7.dcp) from $(Delphi)\Projects\Bpl to $(Delphi)\XFiles\Source directory.
  2. To recompile also 64-bit version of the package you must copy 64-bit version of QuickReport's run-time *.dcp file to $(Delphi)\XFiles\Source\Win64 directory.
  3. Replace switch {$UNDEF XQRGRID} with {$DEFINE XQRGRID} in ..\Source\Conditionals.pas file, if needed.
  4. Define switch QR36, QR40 or either QR50 in ..\Source\Conditionals.pas file, depend on QuickReport's version.
  5. Check, the name of QuickReport's run-time package is correct in ..\Source\VCLXFilesNN.dpk file.
  6. Recompile X-Files Components package.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

Notice. Some versions of Quick Report Professional have checked incorrect Build control switch in Package Options ("Rebuild as needed"). In that case, you must first change this option to "Explicit rebuild" and rebuild both packages of Quick Report, to successfully recompile X-Files Components Professional package.

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7. How to display additional graphic formats (*.pcx, *.tiff, etc.) in TXDBGrid ?

TXDBGrid component can directly display *.bmp, *.ico, *.wmf, *.emf, *.gif, *.png & *.jpg graphics stored in BLOB fields, when DataType of BLOB field is ftGraphic. To directly display additional graphic formats in TXDBGrid, you should:

  1. Download GraphicEx library by Mike Lischke (Mozilla Public Licence 1.1).
  2. Open ..\GraphicEx\GraphicConfiguration.inc file and select graphic formats you need to include.
  3. Open ..\Source\DCCXDBGridNN.bat or ..\Source\DCCXFilesNN.bat batch file and add path to GraphicEx library after -u switch (e.g. -u..\..\GraphicEx).
  4. Replace switch {$UNDEF GRAPHICEX} with {$DEFINE GRAPHICEX} in ..\Source\Conditionals.pas file.
  5. Recompile X-DBGrid Component or X-Files Components package.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

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8. How to display additional graphic formats in TDBImage, TQRDBImage ?

TDBImage & TQRDBImage can display only *.bmp graphics stored in BLOB fields because TBlobField & TGraphicField classes supports assignment only from/to TBitmap graphic class. To achieve assignment compatibility between graphic BLOB field and TPicture class for additional graphic formats (*.ico, *.gif, *.png, *.jpg and others supported by GraphicEx library) you should to add XDBFields unit to the uses clause and replace TBlobField & TGraphicField class names with TXBlobField & TXGraphicField. You can do it manually or by running XFChanger application from Start Menu Folder, you have selected during installation.

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9. How to install TXBlobField & TXGraphicField as default classes for BLOB fields ?

To install TXBlobField & TXGraphicField as default classes for BLOB fields, you should:

  1. Replace switch {$UNDEF XDBFIELDS} with {$DEFINE XDBFIELDS} in ..\Source\Conditionals.pas file.
  2. Recompile X-DBGrid Component or X-Files Components package.

To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.

Notice. From now, all necessary BLOB fields added in Fields Editor will be created as TXBlobField & TXGraphicField, but you still must to replace TBlobField & TGraphicField class names with TXBlobField & TXGraphicField in existing *.dfm & *.pas files. You can do it manually or by running XFChanger application from Start Menu Folder, you have selected during installation.

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Copyright © 1999-2025 X-Files Software
X-Files Components by Krzysztof Szyszka 
The best Delphi DBGrid component 
and QuickReport VCL Grid control